Bed Blanket Support Cradle

Best Seller in Home Care Hospital Beds
(14 customer reviews)

Enables injuries or skin issues to heal more easily. Helps to reduce the friction from sheets. Keeps bed clothes away from your skin.

Height adjustable bed cradle to remove weight and pressure on patients lower limbs caused by bedding which can restrict mobility and encourage development of pressure wounds.

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This lightweight bed cradle has 10 different height adjustments to suit the needs of every user. Made from strong powder-coated steel tubing the frame supports the weight of the bedding, removing any pressure and discomfort from the patient’s lower limbs while ensuring that they are kept warm and covered.

The lower side of the frame slides underneath the mattress from the side of the bed, and the  upper side extends horizontally above the legs to take the weight of the bedding. This permits the person complete freedom and ease of movement, which can help prevent the formation of pressure ulcers on the heels and calves.

SKU: 40403 Category:
Height63 – 86 cm
Width42 cm
Depth54 cm

Based on 14 reviews

4.9 overall

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  1. Pat S

    Strong metal for any weight of blanket; adjustable height allows for use with different depths of mattresses, box springs, etc.; huge improvement on my leg pain at night while letting me still keep my feet warm enough. All in all, I’m grateful I was able to choose to spend the money and the item itself is very helpful.

    Pat S

  2. DD

    Very sturdy and easily adjustable. Heavy gauge metal. Relieved my mother in law’s neuropathy pain caused by chemo.



    Great product. Sturdy. Huge difference without heavy winter blanket on my toes. I wake up pain free. Better nights sleep. Thank you.


  4. Anna

    I have small fiber neuropathy. This is a condition that causes foot pain and discomfort when you lie down and of course bedtime can be very distressing. Three years ago I “invented” my own blanket riser to get the covers off my feet. I used pvc pipe, and while it was good, it cannot compare to Amazon’s adjustable foot riser. My husband encouraged me to get this product, and I shall be forever grateful that he did. It covers more of my legs than my home made version and is wider as well. Consequently my sheets and blankets do not touch my feet or legs (to the knee) at all. At night it is easy to install on the bed and the height is adjustable.


  5. Joanne

    Supports heavy comforter, adjusts easily, and my cats like it too. I hadn’t anticipated sharing this contraption with my cats, but they adopted it right away. One nests on top, her weight making a comfy depression, and the other cat slips under the covers and cozies up underneath it — and there is still room for my feet. Towards morning, they start battling through the covers (no need for an alarm clock) — but that is not the fault of the product.
    I definitely recommend this blanket-lifter.


  6. Spacecadet07

    It was very helpful. Using it for my mother to keep blankets off her feet. Left leg sore and when she was in hospital she ended up with a ulcer on bottom of foot. I would highly recommend it.


  7. Simon

    Much sturdier than similar models. And doesn’t tip over at all


  8. D. Furey

    Because my CPAP masks leaks when I sleep on my side, I have to sleep on my back. An old ankle injury made the weight of blankets on my feet unbearable.

    This thing was the perfect solution to my problem of losing sleep. It was easy to assemble and easy to install on the bed. (I have no foot board.) It looks a little strange to leave on the bed in the daytime so I just slip it off (takes less than 5 seconds), put it aside and make the bed. It is very adjustable so would fit most any mattress. Be sure to measure the depth of your mattress, the length of your feet and include the height of any pillow you may put under you feet to raise them up.

    D. Furey

  9. emma parker

    Feet feel less painful now.

    emma parker

  10. Mrs. Lynne T

    Holds blanket up above feet. Helps with neuropathy, and restless legs. Prevents twisting sheets and blankets around feet.

    Mrs. Lynne T

  11. Mary

    Perfect for taking the blanket weight off my feet. I felt like the bedding was making my bunions worse, so I tried this & I think it helps. I also have ingrown toenails that aren’t getting worse with the pressure of the bedding. I’m glad it’s adjustable because I have pretty big feet. Lol.
    It takes up a lot of room but it’s very sturdy.


  12. m hallas

    I got this because of foot surgery and needing to keep the covers off my foot coverings in their various stages, including the boot you need to wear at night. I works really well and I am keeping it there even after my foot is healed because it is so comfortable to be able to sleep without pressure on your feet.

    m hallas

  13. C. willis

    As expected, sturdy, adjustable

    C. willis

  14. A bookworm

    This unit is every bit as sturdy as they advertise. It works great with a blanket and a comforter on it without any problems. The only negative I had was I had an issue with a couple of the screws threading correctly. Nothing that a couple pairs of pliers and some twisting couldn’t overcome. Overall very happy with my purchase.

    A bookworm